Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to Treat Hair,,,,?

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Dude,,,, I've got tablets ways and tips on caring for your hair from being damaged,,, Mau? Activities that you live day-to-day determine how often should you wash your hair. If you more activities are outdoors, wash your hair every day. Avoid scratching your scalp when washing hair. In addition will make the scalp hurt, it also makes a natural moisturizer contained in the scalp is reduced. Apply light massage on the scalp. - To cope with very dry hair, use conditioner after every shampoo.
Rinse the rest of the time put in hair shampoo. When hair is damaged condition, let your hair dry naturally. Wrap the hair with a towel is sufficient. Avoid rubbing your hair with a towel, because it will cause the hair getting tangled. When you're pressed for time use a hair dryer at a temperature of assistance is, in conditions of damp hair. Try using hair dryer in the most safe distance. Movement of a hair dyer start from the top to bottom of hair. This will make the hair cuticle closed the meeting. Thus the hair appear more straight and neat. Avoid pull too strong to comb hair while wearing a hair dyer, because it causes brittle hair and falling out.
For very dry hair use a hair mask (hair mask) at least once a week. Apply mask evenly, leave for several minutes. This treatment will make the hair feel more soft and shiny. Or apply a plain yoghurt in the hair one or two times a month. Apply while hair in wet conditions, leave for 5 minutes to produce more shiny hair. To get the effect on the straight and shiny hair that is faded or dull color, just use hair rollers and hair clamp for a quarter of an hour. After that spray hair shine evenly.